
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Update Apollo

Just a quick note:

I haven't posted here in quite a while (though I do post on Facebook, Instagram, and sometimes Twitter, for quick stuff). There are a few reasons why - life has been busy, the N00b family are moving to a new place soon, etc. I didn't finish my Saturn V series before this weekend.

But the Model Rocket Building blog has done a really great series on the Estes Saturn V. That's how to do it right. My series was more meant to show that, even if you make mistakes, the rocket will turn out okay, so don't be afraid to go ahead and build it.

In any case, I'll get back to this blog again soon.

But I did finish my Saturn V - at least, I've finished it enough to fly it this weekend, July 20, the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.

Turned out great. In this picture, it looks nearly perfect.

But, in fact, it's not, and that's why you should still build yours, even if you don't think you're a master craftsperson. A picture you see of a rocket which looks great on the Internet should not make you doubt your own skills, and shouldn't make you reluctant to build what you want to build.

I'll probably do a shortened version of that series soon, just to show the flaws up close. Not to be critical of my own work - just to show that a rocket where you make lots of "mistakes" can still be awesome.

For now, I have packing to do, and prep for this weekend's big launch.

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